Gambling is an activity in which a person stakes something of value (typically money) on an event with an element of chance, and the potential to win a prize. This includes any activity where a person risks something of value for the chance to gain something else of greater value, such as lottery tickets, cards, slot machines, instant scratch-offs, raffles, horse races, dice games, and sports betting. The term gambling may also be used to refer to a specific type of game, such as blackjack, or to a class of games, such as poker, that require skill and knowledge.

People gamble for many reasons, from social to financial. Some people like to imagine what they would do with a big jackpot or how it might change their lifestyle, while others simply enjoy the rush or the “high” that comes from gambling. Other people gamble to relieve unpleasant emotions, such as stress or boredom, and some engage in gambling as a way to escape reality.

Several types of psychotherapy can help people overcome gambling disorder. These include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), family or group therapy, and psychodynamic therapy, which explores unconscious processes that can influence behavior. In some cases, medications are used to treat gambling disorders, although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration hasn’t approved any for this purpose.

There are also a number of things you can do to reduce your risk of becoming a compulsive gambler, including finding healthier ways to relieve boredom or stress, spending time with friends who don’t gamble, and practicing relaxation techniques. You can also seek treatment for any underlying mental health conditions that might be contributing to your gambling disorder.